Sunday, December 21, 2008

Alley Cat

One of the things I've missed most since arriving in Perth is my precious pussy, Dexter.  I find few things as soothing as  snuggling with him, stroking his head, and avoiding being bitten.  I still miss him terribly, but for now a little substitute will suffice.  
Rob's cat Alley came to us from Melbourne a few weekends ago.  At first she sequestered herself to the undersides of beds and couches, was terrified of the train passing a few blocks away, and generally wasn't really taking care of herself.  After several days of this antisocial behavior, she wasn't the sweetest smelling cat, so we decided she desperately needed a bath.  Considering what a catastrophe this could have been, I'd say it went fairly well, although I'm not entirely sure Alley would agree…  It did get her grooming again and she suddenly became a little more brazen about exploring the house, developed a new interest in eating, and was far more social in general.

1 comment:

Sam said...

Oh, Leslie - you aren't supposed to bathe a cat! (P.S: Please post more pictures of Alley ... you can be in some of them too :).