Monday, September 22, 2008

Yard work extravaganza

Phew - I wish I had before and after photos of this weekend's amazing efforts in the back garden. Rob and I spent nearly 5 hours pruning, ripping, sawing and dragging a pile of vines, branches and overgrown vegetation the size of a VW Bus out of the back corner of the yard. I swear there's 1/2 again as much backyard as I previously was aware of. I learned a whole lot about the appropriate way to prune a lemon tree and unearthed about a half billion centipedes - eeew.  Rob was a total Super Star!Thus, a day's rest was required to recover from our efforts and the massive storm forced us to stay inside. What a perfect opportunity to go out and see WALL-E! (yes, it's only just come out here) Absolutely loved it, although was a little disappointed by the limited chuckles.

Now we're gearing up for a big three-day weekend away - more adventures ahead!

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