Sunday, August 10, 2008

Fun! Finally! In Freo!

I've been hearing nothing but good stuff about Freemantle since I first decided to come to Perth.  It has, however, proved more difficult to get myself there than I expected.  I decided this weekend that the time had come - no more mucking about and making arm-waving plans that never pan out - get there, eat some good food, have a bit of a shop around and see the sights.  Or something like that…
In the end, it was more like a beautiful day for a drive, a lovely time drinking tea with my new beau, a pretty crappy brunch, leading to a tummy ache that made the rest of the day a wee bit less fun than it should have been.
But, it was a stunning day and I found numerous reasons to head back for more Freo in the future.  I can't complain one little bit about the company either…  he makes me pretty darn smiley, even when I feel like crud.

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